“When I asked my literary agent for a referral to a top-notch editor who could turn a good proposal into a great proposal at a reasonable expense and had the patience to deal with a new author, she recommended Brette because of her amazing range of skills.
After Brette worked her unobtrusive magic on my proposal (it was still my voice) it sold. As a new author, I had no idea how long it would take to go from signing a contract with a publisher to signing off on a book, but Brette has been with me every step of the way. Working with Brette on editing my manuscript, I was often amazed at her ability to fix a rough spot.
I felt Brette was reading my mind. She is an expert book doctor. She followed my thinking and my style of writing to meet me where I was at. As an English teacher I enormously value this skill. This means that the way a rough spot is fixed is a perfect fit with the way I write. The revision is not Brette talking, it is still me talking – still my voice, not hers.
Over time, I asked Brette for help on a range of other tasks from condensing my biographical sketch to doing the index for my book, to giving me feedback on graphics used in the interior design of my book, to consulting on how to display endorsements. She has provided me with valuable perspective and guidance.
There were times when I was really stressed out over deadlines and she could get me to chill because she has written so many books and been through all the deadlines so many times that she has the best sense of how well the process is going in terms of the time constraints. She could tell me “we have plenty of time” or she could tell me “we have to move on, we do not have time to keep going over x or further expanding on x or adding new things.” I was always in awe of how fast she thinks. She would have a problem solved while I was sending her an email explaining what I thought the problem was.
So, if you are short on time and do not think you have enough time to consult with an editor, book doctor, ghostwriter – think again. I would absolutely call Brette. She works so incredibly well under pressure.”