The legal content market is a burgeoning, ever-growing content niche that pays well and provides significant opportunities for writers. You don’t have to be a lawyer to write and sell legal content! Learn about the legal content market, how to write for this market, where to find work, maximize your income, and how to prepare samples so you can get work.
This self-paced course offers 11 lessons for beginning or experienced writers, with a bonus lesson for lawyers who would like to write for this market. The course includes assignments which I will review and provide feedback on. At the end of the course writers will have samples they can use as well as templates to work with for seeking work.
I have worked in the legal content area for 25 years writing books, blogs, articles, websites, white pages, and more. In this class I’ll share all the tips and secrets from my years of experience and help writers tap into this lucrative market.